A sweet find

Anyone can buy a bottle of wine, but it takes a real class act to pick up gourmet chocolates from a specialty shop. Bond St. Chocolate at 63 E. 4th St (between Bowery and 2nd ave) is your go-to when you want to make someone feel special. Or when you realize you desperately need an intricate chocolate statue of the Buddha.

Don't bother looking for Bond St. Chocolate on Bond St. The owner used to run the business wholesale out of her apartment, hence the name. That's their pink logo there on the sign above.

The truffles here are delicious. They have a range of interesting flavors for $2 each and they do a great job in terms of presentation, which counts for a lot. Because if you're gonna pay top dollar for chocolates you want it to look like you paid top dollar too.

And in case you were wondering, giving gourmet chocolates can never be interpreted as cheesy. Just don't wait till valentine's day, OK?


  1. I thought I'd covered all gourmet chocolatiers in the city, but I guess I haven't...can't wait to try the truffles here. Nice find.

  2. Already a fan! Gourmet chocolates and a cool pink sign...sign me up!!
